Over 3,500 British email servers are unsecured in Microsoft hacking claims

Over 3,500 British email servers are unsecured in Microsoft hacking claims

The Microsoft hacking has continued to claim casualties as many UK servers remain unsecured. Security experts have warned that many more will be breached except reviews are done. 

Over 3,500 UK servers remain unsafe from hacking

More than 3,500 emails in the UK are at risk of hacking due to several email breaches. According to the National Cybersecurity Centre, more than 8,000 servers nationwide have been affected by these security breaches, however, less than 50% are secured. 

The Center also confirmed that Trojans and bad algorithms have been detected on more than 2,400 servers, but many have been cleaned out. Furthermore, the Center said all businesses needed to affect the need to take immediate action to prevent further breaches. 

This report has shown a huge problem among British firms who for the first time have witnessed a huge security problem. Some dubious cyber-criminals have started using some of these breaches to send the Trojans to serve. 

According to the NCSC's top chef, he said though there wasn't enough proof of ransomware various attacks on British firms to date. Once the software is installed, it hardens the information of a user on some tough encryption which renders the user's account not accessible. The cyber-criminals then ask for cash payments before releasing such accounts. 

Small and medium firms are the Most Vulnerable 

When this is rejected, the data may be stolen or erased. This breach has been seen on most Microsoft email servers, health servers, and other top countries. According to the agency

'' The problem is huge particularly for small and medium firms who can't afford top technologies to battle this attack. '' 

This flaw was first noticed by a Chinese-based group Hafnium which the Chinese government has denied having any links with, but after Microsoft alerted people, other smaller hacking groups started taking advantage of the loophole.

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